Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tips for a Successful Relationship

No matter how much you may want a partner in your life, there are times when being single is the best choice. Ask yourself these questions to start:
-- Am I too young for a relationship? Sexual relationships can be harmful physically and emotionally if you're too young to make good decisions. Young teens may like the idea of dating, but if a boyfriend or girlfriend becomes the focus of your life, you may be missing out on the chance to know other people and grow up socially.
-- Do I have time for a relationship? If you're working every weekend and going to school full-time, when are you going to see your date? If you have full custody of the kids, what arrangements can you make to allow for an adults-only social life? If you're in an intensive grad-school program, can you spare the energy to get to know someone new?
-- Am I over my last relationship? Many experts recommend waiting a year after a divorce or the end of a major relationship before exploring a serious new romance. (Of course, many divorced people violate that "rule" all the time.) If you can't get through a first date without talking about your ex, it's too soon.
-- What have I learned about relationships? Your past romances, the experiences of the people around you, and your interactions with friends all contain lessons about getting along with others, avoiding unhealthy situations, and building strong connections. Knowing your own goals and deal-breakers can help you make good choices
What To Wear On A First Date
It is important to have a sense of what your first date activities will entail before determining what to wear. If you can’t narrow it down to specifics, at least try to discern how formal the atmosphere will be. It is generally better to be over vs. under-dressed, so if you have to guess err on that side of matters. One exception, if you have scheduled a day time event things will automatically be more casual.
Particular to women, be careful about dressing sexy. It is natural to want to appear attractive when first meeting someone. However, given the person does not know you very well, a lot of assumptions will be made according to how you present yourself. If you believe you are interested in becoming sexual with this person fairly quickly, there may be no problem with communicating this idea through your choice in dress. If, on the other hand, you want to go slow you may inadvertently contribute to creating a situation you don’t want to have to deal with.
Cornerstones of a Relationship
For a relationship to have a solid foundation to build on you need:
Caring about each other
Respect for each others needs
Communication between each other
Truth with each other on all things big and small
Commitment to each other and the relationship you have!
Simple but truly needed in a sound relationship
You need also to read useful books, article in building a lasting relationship
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